DALMATIAN (AKC Non-Sporting Group) Height: 19 to 24 inches. Weight: 55 to 70 pounds (male); 40 to 55 (female). Size: Medium. Availability: Very popular. History: Though his origins are far from clear, the Dalmatian was first historically placed in Dalmatia, part of the former Yugoslavia. The breed became popular as a carriage dog in the 1800's, trotting beside (and even among) the horses and then guarding the carriage and horses while the master was occupied elsewhere. The versatile Dalmatian has seen many uses, before and since, as a mascot for firemen, war sentinel, circus performer, vermin hunter, retriever, hound, shepherd and guard dog. Today, this beautiful breed is primarily a companion dog. Description: The familiar dapper black-and-white spotted dog of Disney fame, the Dalmatian is a symmetrical, muscular medium sized dog with superior endurance. He has soft ears and a tail that tapers to the end. Puppies are born completely white, with the spots developing later. Spots should be well defined and should not blend together into large patches. The short coat is sleek and shiny. Dalmatians can also come with liver- colored spots, though that type is not as popular. Notes: A hardy, easy to keep breed, though frequent brushing is needed to cope with constant shedding. Clean, with no doggy odor. Dalmatians often have large litters, sometimes up to 15 pups. The Dalmatian is a very energetic breed, and needs daily romps to prevent destructiveness. Deafness affects 10-12% of Dalmatian puppies. Every Dalmatian puppy should be BAER-tested for deafness and all totally deaf puppies should be humanely euthanized. Because Dalmatians are a very popular breed, and people are breeding indiscriminately, deafness is on the rise. Those people considering breeding their Dalmatian must be willing to deal responsibly with any deaf puppies in the litter. Deaf dogs are very difficult to raise and often become aggressive and snappish from fear. Buy only from a reputable breeder to avoid this serious problem and to ensure good temperament. Buy only from OFA stock to avoid hip dysplasia, though hip dysplasia incidence in the breed is quite low. Also prone to kidney problems. Uric acid levels in Dalmatians are higher than in any other breed, sometimes causing urinary blockage. Veterinarians may recommend a low protein diet for this breed to prevent urinary tract problems. Do not keep Dalmatians outside in the cold. Personality: Playful and happy-go-lucky. Dalmatians need human companionship, so they don't make good yard dogs. Loves to play with children, but may be too rambunctious for toddlers. Gets along well with other pets, though he may be aggressive with strange dogs. Males often dislike other males. Somewhat high-strung and can be timid without enough socialization. Very energetic. Quite intelligent, but can be willful. Generally does well with firm, consistent training. Behavior: Children: Good with children. Friendliness: Reserved with strangers. Trainability: Easy to train. Independence: Moderately dependent on people. Dominance: Moderate. Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness: Can be a bit dog-aggressive. Noise: Average barker. Grooming and Physical Needs: Grooming: Regular grooming needed. Trimming & Stripping: No trimming or stripping needed. Coat: Short coat. Shedding: Constant shedder. Exercise: Vigorous daily exercise needed. Jogging: An excellent jogging companion. Indoors: Very active indoors. Apartments: Not recommended for apartments. Outdoor Space: Best with at least an average-size yard. Climate: Does well in most climates. Owner: Not recommended for novice owners. Longevity: Average (10 to 12 years). Talents: tracking, watchdog, guarding, and agility. For More Information: Call the AKC Breeder Referral Hotline: 1-900-407-PUPS for the name of a breeder referral representative in your area. Cost is 99 cents per minute. Photo Caption: DALMATIAN Photo copyright: Cook PhoDOGraphy 1995. All rights reserved.